Letters, coverage and useful info


The following letters have been issued on behalf of The Rest and Be Thankful Campaign.

08 March 2021, intro letter/email to Michael Matheson

17 March 2021, open letter/email to Michael Matheson

22 March 2021, open letter to First. Minister 

Open letter to Roy Brannen Transport Scotland

03 May 2021 Open letter to Hugh Gillies and Roy Brannen

17th May 2021 Response from Transport Scotland

17 May 2021 Open Letter to Micheal Matheson

17 September Open letter to Graeme Dey

27 September 2021 Open letter to Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater

Media coverage

Actions from The Rest and Be Thankful Campaign group has resulted in the following coverage media coverage.

18 March 2021, The Herald, 1000 businesses air new safety concerns over seven months of chaos on the A83 at Rest and be Thankful.

26 February 2021, Argyllshire Advertiser, New group means business over Rest ’embarrassment’

18 March 2021, Argyllshire Advertiser, A Solution to the Rest, or a Pre-Election Promise?

18 March 2021, Tunnel Could Replace Landslip-plagued A83 Rest and Be Thankful Road

19th March 2021, BBC News,  Preferred New Route Chosen for the Rest and be Thankful


Useful documents

Access to Argyll and Bute (A83) 

Access to Argyll and Bute (A83) Story Map

2013, A83 Truck Road Study

Petition Flyer